It's 5.12 am. I've been up since 4.30 am but I guess that's to be expected. I fell asleep shortly after 8 pm last night. My ear is a bit itchy this morning but not burning. I slept rather well for a change. The pain pills knocked me out. I'm not used to taking anything. I'm thinking maybe I should have just took half of one cause it made me a bit drunk and caused me to slur my words even worse than with the normal southern accent. hehe.
It's a bit chilly here this morning. The wind is blowing hard and the branches on the willow trees behind my house are rustling loudly. I don't think there is any rain in the forecast.. just wind. I'm home for another day to let the ear heal and I'm not allowed to drive on these meds. So it looks like another day of napping and lying around in my jim jams watching the world go by.
My old friend Ronnie called me out of the blue yesterday. We had a laugh and he said he would install msn messenger on his pc. I'll believe it when I see it. We worked together for years and became close buddies. I miss those days sometimes. Not the job just the good times laughing at the absurd things surrounding us. We need to get in touch with our other buddy Becky. She's in Arkansas now. Every one moves on and we lose touch. Sad.. :(
Well, It's time to medicate my ear..:( Will be back later.
ReplyDeleteHola! I went back to bed.
ReplyDeleteI noticed...hehe