Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day Twentyfour..Sleeping My Life Away

It's 7.05 pm. Still cold. Ate over at the neighbors for lunch and supper today. Ear feels completely stopped up. In fact the whole left side of my head feels a bit numb. Bah! Just my luck.

David Tennant will be on some radio shows in the UK this Friday. Told you he wouldn't stop for long. Silly plum..he needs to have a nice holiday but that's what he enjoys so more power to him. I hope someone downloads both interviews so I can hear them once I get home. I'm sure someone will. I was born on the wrong side of the Atlantic. Nothing over here interests me at all. Thanks to the power of the internet I do not have to wait long for anything.

9.00am on Friday, 21 November 2008
10.00am on Friday, 21 November 2008
on Christian O'Connell Breakfast Show


From Doctor Who to Shakespeare to our Breakfast Show Panto, there seems to be nothing that phases actor David Tennant! He pops into the Breakfast Show to say hello.

Guess I could get up at 3 am here and listen. Bah!

I think I've just about got everything I wanted loaded back on my pc and I've done backups this time! hoorah! I was stupid for not doing any last time.

All I want to do is sleep ever since my ear started bothering me. I don't know if I should sleep or try to stay awake. I just know I want to sleep and I think I'm going to get back in bed in a few minutes. Maybe read for awhile.

Cy'all tomorrow.
