Thursday, November 27, 2008

Day Thirtytwo..Happy Thanksgiving!

It's 8.06 am...It's cold...and it's Thanksgiving here in the United States. So that means Americans will be gorging themselves with turkey and watching football on tv. I have been invited to the neighbor's for soup.

So as my family tradition goes I should list out the things I'm thankful for....
1. That my mom and dad are still both alive and care about me so much.
2. That I have a wonderful pup named Rex that provides me with happiness each day.
3. That I have fantastic neighbor's..Jackie and Freddie who think of me as their own.
4. That I have a job.
5. That I have 5 more David Tennant Doctor Who epidodes before he off's himself.
6. That I have friends online and off.

That's all I can think of right now.

So for Americans..Have a good Thanksgiving! For the rest of the world.. Enjoy your Thursday and.... 7. I'm thankful that you all are apart of my world.



  1. Aaawww. That was a nice post :) I wish Norway had a tradition like that. Oh well.. Happy Thanksgiving, sweetie :)

  2. Yes, Happy Thanksgiving. X
    I am thankful for many things... one of those is having you as a friend. xx
