Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Day Sixtysix...Happy New Year!
It's 9.31 pm here CST in the United States so it's not yet 2009 but Happy New Year to all of you who have crossed over into a new year. Fireworks have just started popping and Rex doesn't like it at all. He's barking and I keep telling him to shut up.
No parties for me this year. Safer to stay home. The cops are out in full force tonight just looking to harass people. Not that I ever get bothered much but I don't want the hassle of having to stop at road blocks and having the flashlight shined in my eyes.
Anyway, I wish you all a prosperous, healthy and happy 2009. May it be better than 2008.
Lots of Love,
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Day Sixtyfive...The Shortest Day Ever
It's 4.02 pm and I didn't get out of bed until almost noon today. I am probably the laziest person ever! I was active every day for over a week and I'm not used to it. I think I crashed.
I guess everyone is getting ready for New Year's festivities. I'll just hang out here and count down til midnight with my best buddy Rex. Going out drinking just isn't my thing anymore. I'm happier at home. Anyway, I hope everyone has a good one and a safe one.
Beate is hunting for houses to rent while in LA next September. She's found a nice one. Will wait to see the verdict. I think she sent off for info.
Other than that nothing has happened worth mentioning.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Day Sixtyfour...The Longest Day Ever
It's 8.46 pm. Its been one hellofa long day. I thought work would never end and once again Beate's power of prayer sucked. No etop and I was there all freaking day long. God must have her on ignore at the moment.
Anyway...I'm home..I'm off for 3 days and I'm ready for some mega napping action. The last 4 days of work have been exhausting. Non stop bitching and non stop me apologizing. Bah!
I just wanted to blog so I would have a Day Sixtyfour and not skip a day...I'm going to bed now...Don't bother to wake me.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Day Sixtythree...Silence
It's 9.20 pm. I should really go to bed. One more day of work until I'm free for my weekend.
Today was quite blah as usual. Beate was supposed to pray for me to get etop but her powers of prayer are useless. I was stuck there all day. Maybe tomorrow.
No new David news to report. All is quiet so I suppose that's good. Last time I wished for David news he ended up with back surgery. So I hope it stays quiet.
Just wanted to say good night before heading off to dreamland.
Day Sixtythree...Sunday is the Hardest Day to Wake Up
It's 5.52 am. I have just managed to get dressed. I am still not awake. My eyes are itchy. I want to go back to sleep. Bah! If I can make it 2 more days I will have perfect attendance at work for the month of December. It's killing me. If it weren't so early and I actually enjoyed it then it might be worth it.
I guess I'd better go. I'll report in after work.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Day Sixtytwo..Blow Me Down
It's 9.10 pm. Just thought I'd blog before going to bed. I had a horrid day at work. Started off slow and then turned into a yell at Jules festival. Why do you love your telly so much horrible people? Why Why Why????
Will the sun ever shine in northeast Mississippi again? Who knows..Wind, rain, scary clouds moving swiftly overhead. Warm temps..Just the perfect combo to spawn a tornado. Alas, I fret too much! After being in a tornado last May I have a super sonic phobia of tornadoes. They are not fun at all.
Anywho...Not much to report here. I feel like I haven't had a day off at all. Straight to mom and dad's last Tuesday. Catering to my dad's every whim on Wednesday. Dealing with relatives I only see once every 2 years or so on Thursday and back to work on Friday. Bah! It was good to see my mom though. Bless her! She cooked enough food to feed an army.
I'm off to bed...I'm sleepy. Perhaps I will think of something amusing to report while asleep.
Until tomorrow....
Day Sixtytwo...Another Day
It's 5.45 am. I'm up and ready for work again. I'm just praying today is not as bad as yesterday. It was terrible. Rude Americans in bitch overdrive for the day after Christmas. Bah!
Re-watched The Next Doctor last night. It is not my favourite Christmas Special but it does have some lovely moments.
It's terribly warm here. I'm just waiting for the freezing temps to sneak in and attack me once more.
I'll see you all later...It's time to depart.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Day Sixtyone...Back to the Usual Grind
It's 5.20 am. Happy Boxing Day to those of you in the UK. I've just gotten ready to go back to work. Bah! There is no such thing as boxing day here nor real holidays where I work.
I've now watched The Next Doctor and Confidential. The only thing I didn't like was the big transformerish cyberman ship or whatever it was. Other than that it made me laugh and warmed my heart. It's no wonder David has a bad back with all the stunt work he did etc.
As much as I dread it I've got to go to work. If I don't go today I would lose 2 days of holiday pay for Xmas Eve and Xmas Day. Lord knows I need the extra pay. Rex is gonna be super sad. He had a great holiday romping and jumping with other dogs in my parents neighborhood. Now I have to leave him and he will be bored. Bless him.
Anyway, I'll be back this evening with more drivel.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Day Sixty..Home Again
It's 6.24 pm and I'm back home. It rained on me the entire drive from Louisiana back..Bah!
I am now waiting for The Next Doctor to somehow magically appear on my pc screen. The wait is killing me. I am avoiding all David sites until I watch it.
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas. It's good to be back..but work tomorrow :(
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Day Fiftyeight...Travel
It's 7.34 am. I have just managed to get out of bed. It is cold. Rex is fluffy soft and really shiny after his bath last night. I'm also clean but not so fluffy soft and shiny.
As soon as my clothes finish drying I will get on the road headed to Louisiana to visit my parents for Christmas. So I'd thought I'd blog and say goodbye. I will try to log on and update from their house but I can make no promises.
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas with lots of love, family and friends surrounding you. Don't eat too much!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Day Fiftyseven...Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
It's 5.32 am and I can't believe how cold it is. It's 20 F which is -9 c with a wind chill of 8 F which is -11 c. I am freezing. This is not natural. I hate winter!!
Last day of work for the week for me! Hoorah! I've put in for pre-recruited e-top but its been pending for 2 days so who knows if they will grant it or not. Bah! The last 2 days were hell days so it's highly unlikely.
I've seen gossip in the tabloids about The Next Doctor. Google if you want to see. Not much anyway. You know how tabloids are.
I need to finish getting ready for work..
Cya this afternoon.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Day Fiftyfive...The Mall Panic Attack
It's 8.43 pm. I've been home about an hour. I left work at 5.35 and ventured to the dreaded mall to get a present for my colleague. OMG!! I will never ever ever go to the mall at Christmas time again! It was packed! The sound of Christmas Carols and non-stop screaming kids is enough to push anyone over the edge. At least I got the present and came out of the mall smelling really smurfy after trying the samples out in Bath and Body Works.
Looks like David is gonna be off from Hamlet just a bit longer than expected. Get well soon David...I know its rough when you are used to being so active. If you get really bored don't phone Christian O'Connell...Call me..I'm usually bored too....I'll make up some stories to amuse you but would probably end up amusing myself more....hehe
Anyway...I'll soon be headed to bed...Work again tomorrow..Bah'dy bah bah!!
High Five...
Day Fiftyfive...Bah! Did I even go to sleep?
It's 5.33 am. Another warm yet rainy day. I feel as though I just laid down, dozed off, and the darn alarm went off. I wanna get back in bed and snooze until noon but I have to go to work.
I'm off to get a super large frappacino with a double shot of expresso on my way to work. I must have caffeine! I'm having sleep surges as I type this. My eyelids keep plopping down. Oh woe is me!!
Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday off...skipping and giggling and doing whatever people do on an actual weekend day off. I wouldn't know.
Will try to blog when I get home..
Friday, December 19, 2008
Day Fiftyfour...I've Tricked Myself
It's 5.14 am and I'm already awake, showered, and dressed. After a short power outage the other day I just guessed at the time while setting my clock. Anyway, I usually don't get up until 5.30 am but here I am. Awake at 4 something to Billy Squier's Stroke Me blasting out of the clock radio. What a lovely way to start my first day back at work..Bah!
Lord I hope I get e-top today. I am in no mood to deal with snotty people. I just want my pay and take my leave. That's not gonna happen but I can dream.
I've been through all my usual favorite websites. Obviously David did nothing of any importance while I was asleep. Or at least no one found out about it. Good for David.
I just checked my email and a ex-coworker sent about 100 forwarded jokes..lovely! Just what I need.
John Andre is on msn wanting to know why I'm awake so early.
No sign of Beate. She must be actually doing something this morning or afternoon as it is in Norway.
Who knows where Lisa is...She is very elusive these days. Good for Lisa. Maybe she's on her way to Berlin to get me a parrot named Oscar that I can teach swear words to. Maybe not.
Robbie Williams stopped taking subscriptions to his Inner Sanctum due to all the bitching and complaining over on Pure Robbie. I subscribed one year but didn't renew because the price was outrageous in American dollars. Oh well..things move on.
It's nice and warm here this morning..but temps well below 0 expected for Monday. No wonder we all have colds around here.
I guess I've blogged enough and wasted enough time. I shall depart for work shortly. Enjoy your Friday...
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Day Fiftythree...What an Awful Day!
It's 6.41 pm. I have been like a zombie all day long. I tried to replace my beloved coca-cola with juice and my body went into thermal meltdown. Every time I drink juice my body automatically thinks it's sick. I am a coke addict. :( Without coke I am unable to be the normally witty, fantastic, lovable, grumpy, bahing, nitwit that I usually am.
I had an extra long nap this evening. Lack of caffeine got the better of me. I just hope I'll be able to go back to sleep after while. I have to go back to work in the morning. The only good thing is that it is payday. Hope for e-top so I can get out of there..get to the a present...all before the maniacs get off work and invade all the shops.
Last week at this time I was in the dark and freezing to death due to the storm in the area. Tonight I'm well lit up and warm and toasty. It's really foggy here but not cold at all. We may even see the sun tomorrow.
See you all later..
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Day Fiftytwo..Less than 8 Days Left Until....
The Next Doctor! Hoorah! I can't believe it's almost here already. Will it live up to my expectations? As long as it has David Tennant bouncing around in it I will be happy.
Rex and I will be going to Louisiana next Tuesday and like I stated earlier it's hard to get on the internet down there so I will not be able to blog until I arrive back home on Christmas night. I know you will all miss me. I will try to log on and give an update or two but my father tends to get cranky if you leave his company to surf the net. Merry Christmas to Me!
This is the time of year I enjoy watching old movies. Oliver, Breakfast at Tiffinys, Sound of Music... which I've watched in the last 2 days.. These are just the movies I enjoy watching on a cold winters night in my jimjams wrapped in a soft woolen blankie. They just don't make movies like they used to.
I'm going to attempt a trip to the mall when I get off work Friday...Wish me luck! I hate crowds and ques but I have to buy a gift for a co-worker. We drew names and at least I got the name of someone I like. We are exchanging gifts on Sunday. I'll probably get something that sux but oh well. It's the thought that counts.
Happy Holidays you Plums!!
Day Fiftytwo..The Paparazzi Attack
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Day Fiftyone...Muddled Mind
It's 9.41 pm. The rain continues to lightly fall.. tap tap tapping against my windows, lulling me in to a pensive and rather dull mood. What a dreary day today has been. Cold and wet, grey and bleak.
I have just finished watching Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet. I began watching it last week but only just now finished. Although I did enjoy it it made my brain hurt. I really had to pay attention to figure out what was being said. I spotted a couple of American's in this production. Jack Lemon and Billy Crystal. American's should not do Shakespeare with an American accent. It just doesn't seem right or sound right. At least Billy Crystal as the gravedigger did attempt an English accent.
Anyway now I'd really love to see David Tennant in Hamlet and that is just not gonna happen. I could never afford the trip to London and the expenses while there. Bah! It is terrible to be poor.
I suppose I'll find something else to amuse me now until I go to bed.
Cy'all tomorrow
Day Fiftyone...Killing Me Softly with His Words...
Monday, December 15, 2008
Day Fifty...Running out of Words
It's 8.52 pm. I cant think of a darn thing to blog about. Nothing witty or interesting comes to mind. Bah!
I received etop at 2.30 pm at work but couldn't leave until 3 pm because I had granny who didn't know how to change channels using a remote control on the phone for almost an hour. Bless her. I got her sorted in the end. It took her 20 minutes to find the power button on her satellite receiver.
I have just rubbed Purell the hand sanitizer stuff into my hands. Why? I don't know. If you rub it on your hands and then cup your hands around your nose and mouth and breathe in deeply it makes your nostrils tingle. Smells like rubbing alcohol. Cool!
I'm off for 3 days now and I need it. Talking to rude people all day long really takes a lot out of you.
Next week is Christmas and I'll be driving down to Louisiana to my parents home on Tuesday returning on Thursday. I have to work Friday. Bah!
I've been trying to phone my parents for 2 days now and their phone is constantly engaged. So I became a bit worried. I phoned the local police station in their town and no one answered so I then phoned city hall and got someone. I explained who I was and asked if they knew of any phone troubles near my parents home. This is a very very small town so of course they knew and yes there are phone troubles. They asked if I wanted someone to go and deliver a message to my parents and even though I said no I'm quite sure they did anyway. So now my parents are probably embarrassed that I've sent the cops to their home to check if they are alright. Oh well...I was concerned. Anyway...I'll be home in time to scour around for the Doctor Who Christmas Special...yay! My parents are still on dial up and with the iffy phone connection I'll be internetless for the days I'm there. Cell phone reception is minimal in the area too. Cut off from the world...Bah! They live on an island of sorts surrounded by water and swampland and no cell phone towers for about 20 miles. If you go outside and spin around a few times waving your mobile in the air and holding one foot in the air you may get a few bars on the phone. I know this from experience.
Well, I'm starting to get sleepy but I'm staying up for a bit so I can sleep late in the morning.
Cya tomorrow,
Day Fifty...Happy Friday to Me and Monday to You
It's 5.42 am. Last day of work for the week for me. Yay! I don't wanna go anyway. If anyone has a fun challenging job that could keep my attention please contact me.
I will put in for etop again today. Probably wont get it though. Who knows. It never hurts to try.
I wish David Tennant would let us all know he's up and bouncing around. I'm tired of imagining him lying in bed, holding his back, and moaning when he moves. That's just not Davidish at all. I'm sure I'm making it more dramatic than it is but oh well. That's my imagination for you.
It's almost time for me to depart..bah! I'll see you plums later on..
Have fun...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Day Fortynine...Sunday Night Cops in the Middle of the Road
It's 7.11 pm. Another 10 hour work day. I swear they have assigned me to the old people and retard que. Oh well..Bah!
Nothing else is new in my world. Got stopped in a stupid road block on my way home by the fine and dandy Mississippi Highway Patrol. They checked my license, my inspection sticker and my tag. Glad I got my tag renewed when I did. Anyway, I was sent on my way with a nod. Why the hell they have a road block set up on a Sunday night is beyond me. Maybe they are looking for someone. 'Citing! Probably just want to write tickets.
So now I'm home. I'm doing the usual...talking to Beate on msn. One more day of work and then my 3 day weekend..hoorah!
No update on David. He will be back bouncing around soon.
Not long until the Christmas Special. Yay!
Day Fortynine...Sunday Funday
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Day Fortyeight...Before I forget
It's 8.11 pm and I suppose I should blog before I forget to do it.
Worked 10 hours..Bah
Came home..Yay
Been on msn messenger talking to Beate..Lisa made a cameo appearance and then disappeared into her bed chambers with more important things to do than talk to the girls. Go Lisa!
Ate pizza..heartburn..Took antiacid pills..
Starting to get sleepy. Going to bed soon.
Day Fortyeight...No News is Good News
It's 5.50 am. It was so nice to sleep in a nice warm bed in a nice warm room. So nice, I did not want to get up but I am up. The car is warming up and I'm dressed for work. I hope etop is available today but Saturdays are a bad day so who knows.
No news on David's progress. I'm sure he's fine. Just a bunch of good/not good, tabloidish stories on Edward Bennett taking over the role as Hamlet. I'm not posting any of that rubbish here. Google David Tennant if you want to see them. I'm sure Ed is doing a fine job.
Well, I'm off to work. Enjoy your Saturday. It's good to be back and I'll see y'all in a few hours.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Day Fortyseven..David Texts Absolute Radio
Another update from
David sent a text to Christian O'Connell at Absolute Radio this morning from his hospital bed requesting 'Letter from America' by the Proclaimers to be played.
Awww Bless Him...
Day Fortyseven..The Day After..
Just a poorly written article from the local newspaper about our weather yesterday.
Some of the most damage in Aberdeen was on old Highway 45. The Larry Clark Chevrolet car dealer suffered damage and a roof from a home was blown up in some trees.
Adrian Garth with the Aberdeen Electric Department reports at 12:20 p.m. that all power should be restored in the next hour.
There has been extensive damage to the Piggly Wiggly in Aberdeen. Trees fell at Aberdeen High School, but students remain in school and there were no injuries. There are reports of damage in the Wren community.
Power outages have been reported in Aberdeen. There have been reports of trees down and damage in both Aberdeen and Amory.
I'm home!! Yay..etop was granted so home early! Electricity is back on and I have heat GLORIOUS heat!! Did y'all miss me?? I was sooooo bored...In the dark all day and all night. Went over to neighbors and played UNO and ate supper with them by candlelight. I felt like a pioneer. Bah! You don't realize how dependent you are on electricity until you don't have it.
Including a couple of pics of some damage here..
Day Fortyseven..I guess...and I'm alive
It's 6.38 am. I am at a pc in the internet cafe at work. I still have no electricity at home. It's been out since 8 am yesterday. We had a bunch of straight line winds and loads of trees are down. Lots of people are still without electricity. I about froze to death last night and have only had about 1 hours sleep.
Anyway, thought I would blog before starting work. Hope everyone is well.
Glad to hear David's surgery went well. Get well soon!
I'm outta here..
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Day Fortyfive..David Tennant to Undergo Surgery Tomorrow
BBC entertainment news
Poor David! He has a prolapsed disc and will have to undergo surgery tomorrow. My thoughts and wishes are with him. I hope he heals completely and quickly. I know he is gutted to have to leave Hamlet for the time being but he must take care of himself first.
Get the care and rest you need David! God Bless...
Day Fortyfive..Rain Rain Go Away..
It's 2.35 am and it's raining. At least its not cold. It warmed up incredibly yesterday and then the rain started...thunder and lightning and threats of tornado watches. Just another day of living in the South.
I fell asleep around 8 pm last night and have already woken up. I will probably go back to bed after I blog. No one should be up at 2.35 am.
I have no idea what I'll do today. I did it all yesterday. I'm sure I'll find something to occupy me or at least amuse me.
Good Wednesday Morning Everyone..
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Day Fortyfour..All Clear
It's 3.01 pm. I have just returned home from the ear doctor. He's given me the all clear. There is no infection what so ever in my ear and my hearing test proved that I've only lost 5% of the hearing in that ear. Hoorah!
Also got my hair cut while I was out. It needed it. I was starting to look like Cousin It. Also stopped by Barnes and Noble the bookstore and guess what slapped me in the face when I walked into the magazine section? Doctor Who Magazine...after dreaming about it last night it was weird. I didn't even know anyone carried it around here. Anyway Davros is on the cover. I suppose we are behind here. I flipped through it but didn't buy it cause nothing in it overly excited me. Oh well...Give me a David cover!!
Looks like David will be off from Hamlet for awhile. Updates don't look good. Poor baby! A back injury is always bad. Sending best wishes to you David!! Take it easy and get completely well. Your fans can wait.
Peace, love, and bunny rabbits to everyone
Day Fortyfour...Alas, Poor David Tennant
According to David has injured his back and will not be performing in Hamlet tonight. Poor David! Get well soon! Remember always lift with your legs NOT your back. Get some rest and I hope its not serious.
Also the new Christmas Special trailer is on Youtube
As for me...I had crazy crazy dreams last night. I dreamt I was in the UK in a shop and I was grabbing all the Doctor Who magazines I could find. My mother was with me and she was helping me sort through all the magazines. My mother wont drive for too long of a distance in a car and she would deffo never fly to the UK. Oh well..just a dream...and didn't eat any cheese before bedtime.
I've just gotten up and I've nudged Beate on MSN messenger but she hasn't replied. Her status says she is listening to Bruce Springsteen. Yikes!! I am really gonna have to sort that girl out when we meet in LA next year.
I'm off to get Rex and me some breakfast. Then in a bit I have to shower and get ready to go to the ear doctor. Bah!
Blog at ya later..
Monday, December 8, 2008
Day Fortythree...Floorwalking and E-topping
It's 6.17 pm and I got home early today. Hoorah!
At 4.23 pm I was e-topped at I got to leave a bit early with pay. This morning I got to floorwalk which is just walking around carrying a walkie-talkie and helping people out who are dealing with customers. Mostly I just walked around and poked people with the antenna of the walkie-talkie. This must not be confused with streetwalking..hehe.. Even though that involves poking as well.. was ok..other than all my customers were 90 years of age and older and couldn't comprehend diddly squat.
So now I'm home and I have 3 days off. Gotta take care of some business in the morning and go to the ear doctor in the evening..bah! but I'll be around..
Will blog later..xx
Day Fortythree...
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Day Fortytwo..The Home of the Free..
It's 7.42 pm. Still cold. Another work day is over and one more to go. They are firing people left and right. I hope they don't get me tomorrow. Everything you have to do is so particular. Why can't you just be nice to people and be done with it. Why must we have to recite things like reading from a book. Bah!
We had CNN on telly most of the day today. There was one headline that scrolled across the bottom of the screen that caught my eye...'Government asks that all financially distraught people please do not steal for your children's Christmas presents this year.' You know that really says a lot about the situation that America is in right now. Since when have we started putting a headline on a major news network asking people not to steal?? Things look dire. If you can afford it please give a toy to the local Toys 4 Tots or something equivalent to that in your area. I know I will this year. So many people are losing their jobs here and around America. Why should the kids suffer. So sad!
Well nothing exciting has happened in my world. Just work work work..sleep sleep sleep. If David Tennant doesn't do something soon I may start making stories up about him....and yes Beate you will get a feature role in my debut the loveable local mentally challenged girl...hehe..:)
Off to watch a dvd or something to amuse me..
Be good and if you cant be good be good at it..
Day Fortytwo..Against My Wishes
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Day Fortyone...The Ugly Hand
It's 7.23 pm. It's cold and I've just scanned my hand. Yikes that is scary. You can see every damn line! I am fervently rubbing in lotion now...I am not posting the pic here cause I don't want to give anyone nightmares. Beate was sent a copy and now she must destroy it. My fingers are long..but look at the long fingers on David...sheesh! but nice.
Anyway, I'm cold and Beate is showing me her nice new red volvo her aunt bought her on webcam. What a nice car! and it's a convertable!!
Cya later..
Friday, December 5, 2008
Day Forty...The Traffic Jam
It's 7.19 pm and I have just gotten home from work a few minutes ago. Bah! It is so cold I was shivering for about 30 minutes even though the heat in my car was on high. I am not gonna make it through the winter!!
Traffic in Tupelo was total hell when I got off work. It took me almost an hour to get out of Tupelo itself. Why are all these people out and about?? Everyone and their grandmother was out. I guess its Friday night and everyone got paid so they are out doing Christmas shopping. I hate waiting. Ques everywhere. I was gonna go in Wal-Mart and pick up a few things but when I saw the cars in the parking lot I changed my mind quickly. OMG!!
Anyway, I'm home for the evening and I'm trying to get warm. I'm a bit perturbed. Everyone on my work team was e-topped today except for me and the 2 other girls that work 10 hour shifts. I guess because we only work 4 days a week instead of 5 we aren't considered when leave with pay because of slowness comes along. Bah!
I'm done for the night...Cya tomorrow..
Day Forty..OMG It's too Cold!!
It's 5.50 am and it is fr fr fr freezing here. How on earth I'm gonna survive the winter beats me. I've just been outside and started my car to let it warm up before getting in it. Bah! Ice on everything.
Ugghh! I don't wanna go to work but its payday and I have to. I wasn't adapted to work or cold weather. I should have been born in a tropical region to a very rich family. Oh well..
Well I guess I'd better be off now. Think of me while you all are non-working and starting your weekends when I'm just starting my week.
Cya in about 12 hours.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Day Thirtynine..Series One
It's 8.04 pm and I'm about halfway through Doctor Who Series 1. I have to admit that certain parts have made me smile but its not the same. David Tennant is definitly the best Doctor ever. I guess every Doctor Who fan has their 'Doctor' so for me it will always be David.
It's been a cold day here. It started out warm but the temp dropped throughout the day. Low of 27 F tonight. Which is below 0 c. I'll be bundled up going to work in the morning. I'm so glad tomorrow is payday. I'm skint.
I'm off to read and then fall asleep. Have to get up early! Bah!
Love you all
Day Thirtynine...David in Boots Ad Xmas 2002
Since it's getting close to Christmas here's a Boots Advert that David was in back in 2002.
Day Thirtynine...Rainy Days and Thursdays..
It's 8.03 am. I'm just waking up...I sneezed and fell over this morning. I think my equilibrium is still screwed up with my bad ear. Never had that happen before. Hope that clears up soon. How embarrassing would that be...just to be walking along..sneeze..and fall over..Luckily I was alone at the time.
It rained all night and is still drizzling. The good thing is that its not cold.
Still nothing about last nights Hamlet anywhere or either I'm looking in the wrong place. I'll look some more..
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Day Thirtyeight..No News Yet
It's 10.13 pm here and there is no news about the first night of Hamlet in London as of yet. I've scoured the internet to no avail. Perhaps there will be something in the morning.
All I could find was news about John Barrowman exposing himself during and interview with Radio One. Hehe... Go John!
I've decided to watch Series 1 of Doctor Who with Christopher Ecclewhatever. I did not watch before David and stated that I never would but I think I'm going to do it. I'll report in as I go along. I'm traveling back in time instead of forwards.
Anyway I'll see y'all tomorrow...
Day Thirtyeight..Opening Night London
It's 5.56 pm. All my internet friends have left me for the evening. Bah! to European time...It's ok though I was getting a bit bummed.
Had fun earlier making up CSI stories with all of us as the characters. I was a bit mean and always made Beate lost and and a bit mentally unstable, even though she's not in real life. It made me laugh regardless. Love ya Beate! ...and for some reason I kept ending up in the broom closet. :)
I wonder how the first night of Hamlet in London went? I'm sure there will be reviews up and they had better be glowing reviews. hehe. I'm sure David was fantastic as always. I checked a few sites for tickets earlier. Not that I can go but I was just curious. Some were going for 770 pounds each! Sheesh! I'll never get to see a play at those rates! In fact I've never been to one. There isn't much theatre action down here in Mississippi.
All in all it's been long day. I've had no naps. I did get some laundry done. So a little bit of productiveness has been accomplished.
Will report back in later...
Day Thirtyeight..Sneezy Wednesday
It's 8.24 am and it's cold as usual. I have just sneezed 7 times in a row. Yes, I counted.
Hamlet starts its London run tonight. Good Luck David! Hope you enjoyed your time off and found the perfect furniture for your new home. I see in Google News that a lot of fraudulent tickets have been sold for this. Guess that's what happens when you are really popular and everyone wants to see you. Shame for those who bought the bad tickets and will be denied.
I'm looking out the window and I can see that the wind is blowing. Bah! That means its really cold out there. If the wind would stop it would be fine. The sun is shining but that means nothing. The wind is a killer. Although it is supposed to be quite warm today. We shall see....its just a few degrees over freezing right now.
I've got nothing planned for today. Just my usual lazy days off. Until it warms up I'm not going to do anything that involves lingering outside.
Will blog more later as soon as my brain starts functioning at a normal capacity.
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